Making Space
There comes a point in every Girl Guide and Girl Scouts life where there is no more space for another Girl Guiding or Girl Scouting T’Shirt in the cupboard. This is a significant issue for those of us who work at World Centres. The only thing to do if you want to take on another new shirt is to ‘make space’ for it. To do this another T’Shirt has to be ‘let go’ and there’s often a lot of emotion connected to these T’Shirts so ‘letting go’ is not always easy!
This also seems to be something I need to do in my yoga life. If I want to transition from…
Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog (Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana)
High Lunge (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana)
…then I have to create space. This space needs to be created in a physical sense in the front of my body but it’s more than that. I also need to ‘let go’ of the belief that my leg can’t go there because actually it can! This ‘letting go’ is also not easy. There is a lot of emotion stored in those hips and creating space in this area of the body can take time.
Seems that making space requires ‘letting go’ of thought patterns, behaviours, beliefs, feelings and anything else that does not serve us anymore. When we do this then there is opportunity for new things to come into those spaces.
Can’t wait to see the colour of my new T’Shirt!!!